Curtis Swift dances on the precipice of adolescence, navigating the labyrinth of teenage life while harnessing the extraordinary power coursing through his veins as a gargoyle in the making. Raised with a strict code to steer clear of human entanglements and keep a low profile, he finds himself drawn inexorably to the nocturnal pulse of the city’s underworld, driven by an unwavering determination to safeguard the very streets he’s been forbidden to tread.
As his body matures, Curtis becomes a symphony of supernatural prowess, a singular blend of guardian and enigma. The twilight hours unveil his unique abilities, cloaking him in a shroud of mystery and intrigue that both intrigues and intimidates.
However, the equilibrium of Curtis’s existence is shattered when a nefarious criminal syndicate collides headlong with a band of rogue mercenaries, casting a menacing shadow over the city he calls home. Faced with an ominous threat that endangers both his fellow humans and the gargoyle kin hidden among them, Curtis takes up his mantle as a sentinel of the night, standing resolute in defense of his city and the fragile equilibrium of its dual existence.